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Photo Gallery - Hedonism II

When I tell people I'm going to a naked resort in Jamaica, they respond as though I've just revealed my salary or the details of my last menstruation. It's a long blink or a visible shift backward in their seat. Several ask, after a pause, "Are you a naked person? I don't know. What's a naked person?
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Frolicking in the Nude at Hedonism II: A Plus Sized Perspective

If you are the judgmental, closed minded and don't play nicely with strangers type, Hedonism II might not be for you. However, if the thought of you walking around nude sounds liberating, you are open to meeting and getting to know like minded people, and you have an adventurous side that you'd like to explore, you're in luck It's a process for me to decide where I'll be travelling to next. I don't want to be repetitive with places that I visit, and I also like places that I can find a little adventure. I only had a few days off that I was able to travel with, but I wanted to find something different, something out of the norm.
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My new boyfriend—let's call him John—and I were walking hand-in-hand from our hotel room at Hedonism II, the infamous clothing-optional, adults-only resort in Negril, Jamaica, to our first Tantric sex class. I whispered to him, "So, listen. Everyone's focused on their own partner. No one will be looking at you," I tried to assure him.
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