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I love her and she is having my baby. Her little girl is two and calls me Daddy. I confronted her when I found out about the photographs and she apologised. She is now really making a big effort to make this relationship work, and so am I. But I keep playing it over and over in my mind. She was chatting to him for four months and I had no clue.
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When Does a Picture Become Child Pornography?

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Naked pictures of underage girls show up on Instagram page

Assad Al Khalaf preyed on the 'extremely vulnerable' young girl after meeting her through a mutual friend, but was caught when her grandparents discovered the vile messages. A pervert repeatedly asked a year-old girl to send him naked pictures of herself "because she was well developed", a court heard. Assad Al Khalaf preyed on the "extremely vulnerable" young girl after meeting her through a mutual friend. Newcastle Crown Court heard the pair exchanged social media details and started exchanging "friendly and normal messages". But Al Khalaf, 22, then started to ask for pictures of her breasts and genitals, as well as photos of her whole body with no clothes. His behaviour was uncovered when the girl's grandparents discovered the vile messages on her phone and he was arrested.
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Registered in Ireland: A man who sent naked photos of himself to underage girls through a messaging service and requested similar images from the children has been jailed for production and distribution of child pornography. David Byrne, 32, also engaged in conversations online with other people who had a similar interest in child pornography. He asked for images and videos of children up to 14 years old but said he prefers images of children aged six or seven. Garda Philip Munds said that conversations, which were printed out following technical examination of many of Byrne's devices, outlined discussions which involved Byrne describing the best video he had seen as involving a child who was about nine years old.
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That has been much ado lately about child pornography — and the firestorm against this abominable practice is well deserved. There is very little that can offend the minds of most people as quickly and thoroughly as the prospect of children being sexually exploited by adults. Our instinct to protect our children, our nieces and nephews, or grandchildren, our cousins, often come pouring out with righteous purpose when we hear of yet another pervert who has been arrested for possessing child pornography. I have written about the sad prevalence of children being sexually exploited on more than one occasion myself, because the topic is quite worthy of outrage. But consider the case of Billy Miller, an Illinois National Guard soldier stationed in Afghanistan who has been charged with possessing child pornography and faces court martial because of photos discovered on his computer.
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