Increasingly, human interactions are being communicated by means of electronic, Internet-based medias. Readily available programs and websites facilitate easy transference of messages, thus rendering space and time irrelevant. The quick, efficient manner of Internet-based medias allow for easy access to users who want to examine a lot of content in an organized format within a short amount of time. This concept is ideal for facilitating online dating networks where users seek to explore many users with the same intimate-based goals for using the community. Online dating communities are a growing industry, like social networking sites, and are similar in that they both provide interpersonal communication with others over the Internet. In contrast to social networking sites, online dating communities are tailored specifically to users who are looking for a romantic partner, connection, or encounter.
Online Dating Study: User Experiences of an Online Dating Community
The science of online dating
Artemio Ramirez, Erin M. Despite the popularity of online dating sites, little is known about what occurs when online dating partners choose to communicate offline. Drawing upon the modality switching perspective, the present study assessed a national sample of online daters to determine whether face-to-face FtF relational outcomes could be predicted by the amount of online communication prior to the initial FtF meeting. Results were consistent with the hypothesized curvilinear relationship between the amount of online communication and perceptions of relational messages intimacy, composure, informality, social orientation , forecasts of the future of the relationship, and information seeking behavior when meeting their partner FtF. The results provide support for the modality switching perspective, and offer important insight for online daters. Once stigmatized as rife with deception and desperation, online dating services such as have become popular venues for adults to meet potential romantic partners. As of October , Match.
Edition: Available editions United States. She wasn't expecting the avalanche of negative anti-feminist comments. New research finds that people tend to prefer a specific personality type across partners - and its usually one that resembles their own. Will your marriage be better if you and your partner are genetically compatible? Is there any evidence that certain genes make someone a better or worse partner?
Little do they know that teams of scientists are eagerly watching them trying to find it. Like contemporary Margaret Meads, these scholars have gathered data from dating sites like Match. Personals to study attraction, trust, deception — even the role of race and politics in prospective romance.